Monday, August 9, 2010

For Amherst resident, faith leads to acting opportunity

by KATE MOCKLER Reporter, Amherst Bee
It used to be that the only time one would find religion and show business mentioned together in a story was when religious objections were raised to a movie, play or song. But more and more, people of faith are finding their place in show business.

AMTC Category Finalist- Actor - Mature Commercial Model

I am still in a state of such gratitude for the extraordinary opportunity at last month's AMTC convention/auditions- It was an opportunity to showcase talents, meet wonderful people and make lifelong contacts for the industry that God is calling me back to . I am still on a cloud!
I am especially grateful to the individuals who placed me on their call-back list, met with me at speed-networking and offered me invaluable advice! For the incredible fortitude of the judges, and panels Lesley Collis, you are my angel- Stephanie Keel and Bob Reel, my coaches, a big thank you!
I just completed a concert with the Buffalo Philharmonic at one of my favorite places- Chautauqua Institute, I will be sending postcards to the agents soon to update them, and am preparing to audition for some non-equity production companies as well as produce that demo CD for Sweetheart Records! Until next time~
God is Good all the Time and All the Time God is Good!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hi Everyone!
I thought I would tell you about a really special Valentine I received this year!
No- not from my husband, son or friends- although they were also pretty special.
This is from Aiden- a four-year old PRE-K student in my class dictated to his mother and he wrote key words himself. I hope it warms your heart too. The point is- you never know how YOUR words and ACTIONS are affecting minds and hearts.

"Dear Mrs. Marconi,

I want to tell you three things I Love about you.

1. The way you teach me to write.
2. The way you make me laugh when you bring in extra shoes!
3. The way you sing in music class.

Happy Valentine's Day!


IT'S NEVER TOO LATE! I have really been remiss not posting- haven't I? I thought I had better since two individuals just today noticed!
So another journey begins for me and I am simply trusting God to take me where ever HE sees that I can use my talents and have an impact on others, their lives and their dreams.
Several weeks ago, I auditioned for AMTC-heard a commercial for it on WDCX radio( Actors, Models and Talent for Christ),a competition in Rochester; quite frankly, not fully understanding what it was that I was getting into. So upon registering ( the night before) I added that I may not be able to attend, as I had a really bad cold/cough, but I would let them know in the morn. My audition time was 2pm and at 11:30 am I was sitting at the kitchen counter still contemplating if my voice would "work" if I went. I suddenly felt a "wink" if you will, from God saying "GO- you'll never know if you don't - you will be fine" - AT total peace, I showered, hopped in my car, not knowing what I would sing exactly- and off I went. The auditions were non-threatening, prayerful and fun- When I arrived back home I logged onto the AMTC website and discovered that if I were chosen , I would be auditioning at a convention of 50-100 directors, agents, etc. from all over the world! I found actors and singers, models and product spokespeople who had been discovered through this AMTC convention. My heart raced, and then sank, thinking that I would never be selected, but less than 24 hours later, I received a call back- They wanted ME! I prayed for almost two weeks before making a decision to go and see what God might be able to do with me! So I am busy with vocal training, memorizing monologues and commercial scripts, finding backtracks, then will come photo shoots, rehearsals and in July the competition all under the careful watch of the amazing and caring AMTC staff of incredible people. Is God winking at YOU? He may be - pay attention- listen carefully!

Monday, August 10, 2009

What is Success?

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal- it can be seen in a teacher, attorney,a Mom or Dad, an inventor, a doctor or a child. It is how you perceive yourself on your journey! It is where you are compared to where you want to be!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Dreamed a Dream from Andy Andrews

As soon as you are able, please close your eyes and attempt to clear your mind for 30 seconds. Then, read the questions below and click play.

1) What is the "right" age for accomplishing my greatest dream?

2) Do I hear the laughter and believe the doubters when I am mocked for expecting life's very best?

3) What great possibility have I forced myself to stop considering?

4) Who will be inspired or benefit directly when I succeed?

5) When will right now become the best time to begin?

Your friend,


Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Does Easter Mean to You?

Well- Let's see- The message of Easter is the Central Focus of Christianity. For if Christ did not rise form the dead, he cannot be our Savior and our faith would mean nothing. To me- Easter brings hope. The scriptures teach and hundreds of witnesses testify that HE IS RISEN~ it is then that we can have the ultimate hope of eternal life. Christ has conquered death for us- now and always!REJOICE!
Happy Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why You Need to Attend Live Events- That is- IF You Want to Grow Your Business

This editorial Sums it Up- No need to Say any More!
Andy Hunt on Twitter - This goes along with your comments- Right On!

5 Reasons to Learn via Live Events"

by Ali Brown

I remember six years ago making a decision that would change my life and business forever. I decided to travel across the country to attend a marketing seminar. A few things about this were completely new to me.

1) The fact that I was going to spend over a thousand dollars of my own money to invest in myself. (And also maxing out one of my credit cards to do so - yes, things were pretty tight back then!)

2) Traveling across the country alone and paying for my own flight, hotel, ground transport, meals, etc.

3) Throwing myself into a new environment where I didn't know anyone else.

I'm so glad I made that decision. Not only did I learn amazing information to help my online business (which was brand new at the time), but I met some folks who remain my friends to this day. And my investing in myself in that manner also sent a message to the universe that I was stepping up and "ready to play big."

Today, I spend a tens of thousands of dollars each year on continuing education, including attending live seminars and workshops. And it pays off TENFOLD!

Here are 5 reasons attending live events is one of the BEST ways to leapfrog your business forward:

1) Complete Immersion in Your Subject.

When my friend Jen was in college, she wanted to learn French, so she took the opportunity to spend a semester in France. She shared with me that by doing that she made progress faster than she'd ever thought possible. They call that learning by immersion, and it's proven to be one of the BEST ways to learn fast.

Hey, I'm a big fan of home study - books, CDs, and courses - and learning in "bits". But NOTHING compares to getting away from your office or home, spending a few days with teachers and other "students", and completely focusing on learning new strategies to improve your business.

2) People Who "Get" What You Do.

When I first started my online business, I really didn't have anyone else to talk with about it. My friends, while supportive and sweet, didn't "get" what I was trying to do and of course couldn't offer advice.

I remember walking into that first seminar and within five minutes realized I had hundreds of people to talk with who "GOT" what I was doing! We could exchange ideas, share resources, coach each other, and even cross promote. It was a whole new world and I could never go back.

3) More Business, More Leads, and more High-Level Opportunities.

It wasn't unusual -- even in the beginning of my attending live events -- to come home with on-the-spot sales, more subscribers to my ezine, a few joint venture partners, and speaking invitations.

Another tip I'll give you: The quality of the people at an event often correlates with the price tag of the event. I've found I generally meet more successful people at the events that cost more.

Case in point: In 2003 I attended a very expensive training (the deposit alone was $5,000.00) and for the four days there I sat next to a very successful marketer from Australia whom I got to know well during that time. Well, a few weeks later, he invited me to come speak overseas in Australia, all expenses paid and including a business-class flight! (I doubt that opportunity would have manifested so soon, had it not been for my being there live.)

4) Deals on Continuing Education and Coaching.

Many of the speakers at these events also offer home study courses or some type of continuing education. So it's a great place to check everyone out and decide whose stuff you want to get and who you want to continue learning from. Plus there are usually special offers given there to encourage buying on the spot.

This is a smart move, and you should plan to invest in at least one speaker's package while you're there. I recently attended a seminar in Dallas where I happily dropped $10,000.00 on three different programs while I was there, because their content had just what I was looking for to help skyrocket my sales for the coming year.

5) Visit New Places and Have FUN - in a Tax Deductible Way!

Talk with your accountant about this one, but in most cases these events and trips are completely tax deductible. After all, you're traveling there to learn, network, and increase your business.

And for many of us who work alone a lot, these trips are a great way to let off some steam and enjoy the company of others who are in the same types of businesses we are! Tip: Even if you don't imbibe, hang around the hotel bar. You'll find that's where everyone congregates and deals happen. But be sure to get OUT of the hotel at least one night to enjoy the city you're visiting!

BONUS: Access to the "Gurus" - in Person.

One more thing I forgot to add is that the speakers at these events are usually very accessible. You'll find them hanging out in the hallways, in the lobby, and in the bar. You can catch a few minutes of their time to ask them a quick question or discuss a point they made in their presentation. This is an extremely rare opportunity - you can't just call these guys and gals up and get them on the phone! This type of access is priceless and will also get you more exposure and credibility.

And When All Is Said and Done...

And when it's all over, you'll be dead tired, but you'll have more energy and enthusiasm toward your business than ever before. Plus you'll have new, powerful connections with people and proven strategies ready to implement!

© 2003-2009 Alexandria Brown International Inc.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Online entrepreneur Ali Brown publishes the award-winning 'Highlights on Marketing & Success' weekly ezine with 36,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Be Happy (Even when it seems nothing is going right)

From My soul to your Eyes...

Consider the situation temporary. I seem to often revert to childhood experiences and learn from them. When I learned to ride a bike and I fell, I just got up without thinking about it and rode again and fell and rode etc. I knew the falls were temporary because I believed that I could ride. I knew that at that moment I had a problem, but the key is "right now"- is just a moment in time that soon will be gone forever. IT is just a beginning point for my journey that will lead to a solution to the problem. What matters most is where I end up - and I believe it will be somewhere better than when I began!

Don't Face the Situation Alone
It is always wise to share our situations with others. There will always be someone willing to assist you in solution finding and will not listen to whining. Ask them to hold you accountable once you have arrived at a solution.

Find Strength in Challenges
We cannot always completely control the events in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them.

Smiling releases endorphins (hormones that trigger feelings of happiness)so don't wait until you are happy to smile- smile to make yourself happy! Ridiculous you say? Just try looking at a photo of yourself with people you love having a great time and not smile- it is almost impossible.

Be open to Change
We change- people change- the world changes- accept it. It is inevitable. The only way to remain positive and happy is to embrace change and take pleasure in the surprises that come your way! Changes we fear often make our lives a whole lot better.

BE the Change you want to see and see what happens in your world!

To Today!